About Me

For me, writing is like dreaming on paper. On paper I can be a different person, I can be with someone I want, I can say anything, I can do everything. No limitations.

My favorite songs: I won't give up by Jason Mraz, All too well by Taylor Swift. 
My favorite movies: A Walk to Remember, Dear John and The Vow.
Favorite books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, I love Mr. Darcy so much. Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte.
Favorite TV show: Gossip Girl. I love Nate Archilbald. F.R.I.E.N.DS
Celebrity crush: Zac Efron, Chace Crawford and Channing Tatum.
My dream home is England yeah, that's my dream to visit England Ms. Jane Austen place.
Another dream: To be a Victoria Secret model.


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